Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Post Sick Children Two Week Nightmare

If the title is a bit confusing, it means that we are just getting out of the worst two weeks we've had in a loooooong time: both girls were sick, one after the other. :(

It all started after we attended our friends' daughter Catalina's 4th birthday party-- it was a Frozen themed party, and let me just say, the girls had a lot of fun. :) We noticed a couple days later that Luciana was acting a little weird, irritable, tired, just "off". She went downhill fast, after that evening and for 2 and a half days, she was very sick: high fever, on and off (highest at 102), lethargy, congestion, coughing, followed by TONS of snot, just pouring out at all times for the next few days, and a lingering cough. I took her to the doctor on her 3rd really sick day, where she received a breathing treatment (albuterol through mist machine), and two days after that is when we noticed Penelope started to cough. :/  It was evening when she coughed a little, and by morning our baby was fully sick like Lulu was. Her fevers were just as high, and all her symptoms matched Lu's... Both girls were extremely irritable and clingy, making it difficult for me to give anyone 100%.... I had a sick, feverish baby attached to me for a week straight! I took P to the doctor on her 2nd sick day, and they have us the breathing treatment machine to take home, with a prescription for a week's worth of treatments. It was a challenge getting her to take them!!! Same with medicine-- both girls have always liked Tylenol, as it is flavored, but the cough medicine is just yucky, so that was a huge thing! :(  Once, I tried to "make" P take her cough medicine (it's this honey based stuff, all natural) she projectile vomited on me, the chair, the floor and her big stuffed rhino. It was a big lesson to Mama: sneak the stuff into juice!! That worked about twice, and then it was a lost cause, making Penelope's last few sick days very uncomfortable for her. :(  The cool mist humidifier was a life saver, for both girls, thankfully we had one!! 

We finally made it out of the worst of it, Daddy and I were amazed that we hadn't caught it... And then Daddy got it. :'(  He is currently on day #3 of his illness, and I can only hope I don't get it!  We have been so lucky that the girls haven't been sick until now, that we haven't had to go through this until now, and I hope this is the last until NEXT YEAR! 

It's been two full weeks of illness in our house, and I imagine we'll see Papa better in a couple days, if we are lucky. 


Uh oh, time to wake Lulu up from her nap, bye bye!

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